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Announcing version 2.0! New!

Version 2.0 extends VoltSpot's modeling capability to cover 3D-ICs. In both steady-state and transient simulations, v2.0 supports the traditional TSV-based 3D PDN as well as a novel voltage-stacking (V-S) power-delivery structure. You can download version 2.0 here.

What is VoltSpot?

VoltSpot is a pre-RTL power delivery network (PDN) model for architecture-level PDN noise and reliability evaluation. With a fine-grained, grid-based on-chip model, VoltSpot is capable of capturing the relationship between PDN design details (e.g., C4 pad count and placement, metal layer geometry, on-chip decoupling capacitor distribution, etc.) and supply-voltage noise. It is implemented in ANSI C and can be integrated with most power-performance simulators like McPAT and Gem5. VoltSpot contributes to a versatile platform for investigating the spatial and temporal locality of supply voltage noise, evaluating design- and run-time noise mitigation techniques, and estimating vulnerability to lifetime-reliability problems such as electromigration (EM). This architecture level model has been validated against circuit level SPICE models.


More information and experiments are available in our tech report here or recent paper:

This work was supported in part by the US National Science Foundation (NSF) under grants CNS-0916908 and MCDA-0903471 and by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Microsystems Technology Office (MTO) under contract no. HR0011-13-C-0022. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsoring agencies.

Last updated: July. 25, 2015

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