A) Installation
0) Prerequisite
1) Build VoltSpot
B) Quick usage guide for VoltSpot
1) Steady-state IR drop simulation
2) Transient voltage noise simulation
C) Detailed guidelines
1) On-chip PDN: physical metal grid and virtual grid
2) C4 Pads
3) PDN status analysis and dump
4) Power trace sampling interval and solver timestep
5) Warming up PDN in transient simulations
6) 3D-IC and voltage stacking (V-S)
D) Conclusion
0. Prerequisite
VoltSpot relies on SuperLU, an open-source library to solve the large
and sparse linear system representing power delivery network.
It is required to install SuperLU before building VoltSpot.
The source code can be downloaded here.
Before compiling SuperLU, please replace with the configuration
file that matches your platform (e.g. cp ./MAKE_INC/make.linux ./
Also, please modify parameter SuperLUroot in the updated file.
Both SuperLU and VoltSpot require BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms)
library. If libblas is not installed, here is a quick guide on how to
build one.
1. Build VoltSpot
a) Download the VoltSpot tar ball (VoltSpot-1.0.tar.gz) following the
instructions here
b) Unzip the file using the following commands
>> tar -xvf VoltSpot-1.0.tar.gz
c) Go to the VoltSpot installation directory
>> cd VoltSpot-1.0/
d) Build VoltSpot
i) Modify Makefile parameter to locate your own build of SuperLU:
ii) Under Linux/UNIX systems with GNU Make and GCC, compile source code.
>> make
e) To remove all the outputs of compilation, type 'make clean'.
Similarly, to remove the object files alone, type 'make cleano'.
To view the list of files VoltSpot needs for proper build, type
'make filelist'. To compile for debugging, use 'make DEBUG=1'.
To compile for using with a profiler (e.g. gprof), use 'make DEBUG=2'.
1. Steady-state IR drop simulation:
VoltSpot is a trace-level simulator that takes a power trace file and a
floorplan file as inputs and calculate corresponding voltage and current
for all nodes and branches in the PDN. It is capable of simulating both
static PDN noise (IR drop only) and transient voltage fluctuation
(the combination of IR drop, Ldi/dt and LC resonance).
First, let us run the simulation with a set of default model parameters
listed in the file 'pdn.config' and gather the steady state IR drop onto a file.
This is done by:
>> voltspot -c pdn.config -f example.flp -p example.ptrace -run_PDN 1 \
-gridvol_file steady.gridIR
Here, 'example.flp' describes the floorplan of an Intel-Penryn-based 2-core
processor and 'example.ptrace' gives the per-cycle power trace of this
processor for a time period of 2k cycles (running application dedup from
PARSEC 2.0 benchmark suite). Notice that for steady-state simulation,
VoltSpot will pre-process the power trace file and use the average power
consumption to calculate static IR drop. After simulation, VoltSpot will
print results overview (e.g. chip dimension, sum of chip current consumption,
max on-chip IR drop, etc.) to stdout. More detailed results will be dumped
into 'steady.gridIR', which records the IR drop (in terms of percentage Vdd,
combines both voltage drop in vdd net and ground bounce in gnd net) for
all on-chip nodes. User can plot on-chip IR drop as 'heat map' using the
script provided. This is done by:
>> ./ steady.gridIR
This command should generate figure file 'steady.gif'.
Note that GNU plot is required to run
2. Transient voltage noise simulation:
The command to simulate transient PDN behavior is the following:
>> voltspot -c pdn.config -f example.flp -p example.ptrace -v trans.vtrace
With the option -v specified, VoltSpot will perform transient simulation
and dump results into designated file (trans.vtrace in this example).
By default, .vtrace file consists of two parts: simulation configuration
and results statistics. The beginning of .vtrace file lists all the
configuration parameters used during the simulation. The end of
configuration listings is marked by line 'END_OF_CONFIGS'.
The rest of the .vtrace file records the per-cycle statistics of simulation
results. The two columns show the voltage drop at package node (pkgDrop)
and maximum on-chip voltage drop (max_drop). All voltage drop values
are converted to percentage Vdd.
1. On-chip PDN: physical metal stack and virtual grid.
Power delivery network in modern silicon chips usually consists multiple on-chip
layers of parallel metal wires. VoltSpot is capable of modeling this multi-layer
stack structure in detail. With configuration parameter -mlayer_spec_file,
user can specify the physical structure of metal stack by providing the pitch,
width, thickness and resistivity of each metal layer.
Here is an example:
>> voltspot -c pdn.config -f example.flp -p example.ptrace \
-v trans.vtrace -mlayer_spec_file example.mlcf
In this example, example.mlcf describes four metal layers.
If user do not provide .mlcf file, VoltSpot will use default values
that assumes four metal layers (see function populate_default_mlayers
in PDN_sim.c ).
VoltSpot uses a virtual grid to model on-chip PDN stack. The virtual grid
has a regular mesh structure where each branch consists of single or
multiple resistor-inductor pairs. The size of the virtual grid is related
to the size of C4 pad array. As an example, assume that the pitch of C4 pads
is 250um and the chip we want to model is 1cm by 1cm large. The total number
of C4 pads for this chip is 1600 and they are aligned into a 40x40 array.
Given the C4 pad array's size, VoltSpot sets virtual grid size to an integer
multiple of C4 array size (e.g. 40x40, 80x80, 120x120, etc.). This integer
multiple is configurable through -PDN_grid_intv. Notice that although the
size of virtual grid is independent of wire count in each physical metal layer,
the resistance and inductance value of virtual grid is calculated based on
the shape and density of physical metal wires.
With the abstraction of virtual grid, we can increase simulation speed to
study application-level noise behavior. By keeping virtual grid no smaller
than C4 array size, we maintain the precision in modeling individual pads.
User can increase modeling granularity by setting larger value for PDN_grid_intv.
Increasing granularity will improve precision at the cost of simulation speed.
To find out the size of virtual grid, user can run steady state simulation
and refer to line number 3 in the results printed to stdout.
2. C4 Pads
Since C4 pads are the only connection between the silicon chip and its
outside world, both power supply and chip I/O have to utilize them exclusively.
In reality, only a portion of total C4 pads are used for power delivery and
in VoltSpot, user can configure the number and locations of power supply pads
with a pad location description file. Here is an example command that simulates
steady-state PDN with customized power supply pad distribution:
>> voltspot -c pdn.config -f example.flp -p example.ptrace -run_PDN 1\
-PDN_padconfig 0 -padloc_file_in example.vgrid.padloc
First of all, setting parameter PDN_padconfig to 0 tells VoltSpot to load power
pad configuration from file, otherwise VoltSpot will allocate P/G pads to all
available pad seats. The format of .padloc file is the following:
User can choose to describe pads' location with either virtual-grid coordinate
or pad-grid coordinate. Parameter padloc_format switches between different
coordinate system for pad location parsing and dumping. The advantage of using
pad-grid's coordinate is that one .padloc file works for any modeling granularity
(different PDN_grid_intv values). In both coordinate systems, (0,0) refers to
bottom-left corner. User can plot pad location with dot graph using the script provided.
This is done by:
>> ./ example.vgrid.padloc
Vdd pads and ground pads will be plotted separately ('example.vddloc.pdf' and
'example.gndloc.pdf'). Note that GNU plot is required to run
3. PDN status analysis and dump.
Besides steady-state simulation's output to stdout and transient simulation's
output file (.vtrace), VoltSpot provides several other options to gather and
dump PDN noise information.
We've shown that in steady-state simulation, option -gridvol_file dumps
on-chip IR drop into specified file. In transient simulation, enabling
this option will make VoltSpot dump all on-chip nodes' (in vdd net only)
voltage. For each simulated cycle, VoltSpot will print the 2D on-chip
voltage array as a row in the specified file (unraveled in row-major).
Notice that this file might be very large for long simulations.
Instead of printing out all nodes' voltage level, VoltSpot also provides
users the option to dump per-cycle voltage noise of selected on-chip node(s).
This is similar to monitoring on-chip voltage noise with on-chip voltage
sensors, thus we name the related parameter as -senloc_file (sensor location file).
Here is an example command:
>> voltspot -c pdn.config -f example.flp -p example.ptrace \
-v trans.vtrace -senloc_file example.senloc
Each line in example.senloc describes the location of a voltage sensor
(in virtual-grid's coordinate system). During transient simulation,
VoltSpot prints all sensors' voltage noise into vtrace file (specified by -v).
The values were converted to percentage Vdd and they include both supply
net voltage drop and ground net bounce.
In steady-sate, -padcur_file dumps all power supply C4 pad's current
density into specified file with the following format:
Here, V represents vdd pad and G represents ground pad. All current
density values are in A/m^2. User can switch between output coordinate
systems with parameter -padloc_format. For now, we do not have functions
to dump transient pad current.
Besides simply printing voltage or current values out, VoltSpot could
also perform basic analysis on PDN noise on per-node or per-block bases.
This can be done through providing two extra parameters. Here is an example:
>> voltspot -c pdn.config -f example.flp -p example.ptrace \
-v trans.vtrace -PDN_noise_th 5 -vio_file trans.viomap
PDN_noise_th sets the threshold for voltage drop tolerance. For example, the
above command will treat voltage drop larger than 5% Vdd as a violation
(noise violations will threats execution correctness with timing errors).
After simulation, VoltSpot will dump per-node and per-block noise stats
into the file specified by -vio_file. trans.viomap contains two parts.
The first part gives per-node information (one node per line).
The format is the following:
x_loc is the node's x location
y_loc is the node's y location
vio_count is the number of cycles with noise violations
avg_drop is the average voltage drop across all of cycles
max_drop is the maximum voltage drop across all of cycles
The second part of trans.viomap provides per-block stats (one block per line).
The format is the following:
Block_Name is the name of the block.
vio_count is the number of cycles that any where within the block experiences
noise violations.
max_drop is the maximum voltage drop across all the entire block.
VoltSpot models on-chip PDN with tens of thousands of RLC components.
Instead of dumping per-cycle voltage levels for all nodes and post
process simulation results, we encourage users to integrate their noise
sensing and analysis modules into VoltSpot to save both processing time
and disk space. PDN_analyze.c includes all current functions for on-line
noise analysing and PDN stats dumping. We hope it provides a starting
point and references for integrating your own modules.
4. Power trace sampling interval and solver timestep
For transient simulations, each line in the power trace input file (.ptrace)
represents the processor's average power consumption over a certain period of time.
This sampling time period, or sampling interval, is configurable through two parameters:
-proc_clock_freq : processor's clock frequency.
-ptrace_sampling_intvl : sampling interval in terms of clock cycles.
We use an implicit method with fixed timestep to solve the PDN's RLC circuit.
Therefore the length of solver timestep is directly related to both simulation
speed and result accuracy. In fact, increasing solver's timestep length
reduces simulation time at the cost larger numerical error.
Our test results indicate that with the default settings listed in pdn.config,
a timestep of 50 pico second results in no more than 10e-4 error ratio.
The length of timestep can be specified through parameter -PDN_step_percycle.
To be more specific, timestep = 1/(proc_clock_freq * PDN_step_percycle).
For example, if processor frequency is 2GHz (500 ps clock period), if we want
to make timestep equal to 50ps, we should set PDN_step_percycle to 10.
5. Warming up PDN in transient simulations.
Due to the presence of capacitors and inductors, the status of PDN is dependant
on its initial status. In order to independently exam the noise behavior of a
particular program trace, the PDN should be 'warmed up' before simulating the
trace of interest. For each transient simulation, VoltSpot assumes that the
initial voltages of all nodes in vdd/gnd net are equal to Vdd/0, thus all
capacitors in the PDN are fully charged before the simulation starts. This way
we can avoid large rush current toward capacitors during a 'cold start'. However,
due to the large current step introduced by the first power trace line
(the initial current consumption assumed to be zero), the beginning of a transient
simulation might still experience larger voltage fluctuations. To 'skip' this noisy
period, user can specify warm up period with parameter PDN_ptrace_warmup.
For example, the following cmd line performs transient simulation and use the
first 1000 lines in example.ptrace to warm up PDN:
>> voltspot -c pdn.config -f example.flp -p example.ptrace \
-v trans.vtrace -PDN_ptrace_warmup 1000
Again, the number specified by PDN_ptrace_warmup represent the number of LINES in
ptrace file. During warm up period, VoltSpot does not perform any stats analysis
or dump any results, but still simulate the PDN' RLC network in detail.
6. 3D-IC and voltage stacking (V-S)
Starting from version 2.0, VoltSpot supports 3D-ICs' PDN modeling. To simulate
a 3D system's PDN noise, users needs to provide the floorplans of all layers
(in separate files), the power maps/traces (in a single file), the information
about all layers' metal/TSV structure, and a layer config file (.lcf) that tells
VoltSpot how to construct the 3D system. The subdirectory ./3D_examples contains
all the necessary files for an example 3D simulation. Here are the example commands
to run:
>> cd ./3D_examples
>> ../voltspot -c ../pdn.config -f A.flp -p 3layer.ptrace -layer_file_3D 3layer.lcf \
-run_PDN 1 -PDN_padpitch 200e-6
By default, VoltSpot simulates a regular PDN structure with TSVs populated at all
virtual grid nodes. Users can change the TSV configuration by setting -TSV_config to 0
and VoltSpot will load all layers' TSV distributions from the .tsvloc files specified in
the .lcf file. To simulate voltage-stacked PDNs, the -v_stacking parameter should be set to 1,
and the locations of the integrated SC converters can be configured through -IVR_loc_file.
For more information on V-S PDN, please refer to our recent papers here.
While this document has attempted to provide a detailed overview of
VoltSpot's capabilities and guidelines for its use, the maximum amount
of information can be obtained only from the source code itself.
In case of further questions, please send e-mail to the joint HotSpot/VoltSpot
user group at the address "hotspot AT".
To subscribe to the list, please visit